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This site isn't a cohesive experience, not even for me. I'm consistently amazed how many things have caught my interest over the years. The menu choices give you some idea of what's available.
Algot Runeman

Retired. Let's get that said right up front.
It doesn't mean I need to stop all my activities, does it?
AB in Biology, Boston University
Graduate work in Botany, University of Maine, Orono
MEd, Boston University
36 years as teacher and computer director for the King Philip Regional School District in southeastern Massachusetts, USA.
Twenty years as secretary for MassCUE (Massachusetts Computer Using Educators, Inc.) from 1986 to 2006.
Advocate of software freedom and member of the Free Software Foundation.
GNU/Linux is my operating system choice with Kubuntu as my primary currently installed distribution.
Community member of KDE, one of the free software development groups.
Tech support for the Northeast Regional Conference for the Social Studies (NERC)
Webmaster for the site of the Massachusetts Council for the Social Studies (MCSS)
BASIC was only computer language I "mastered" though I've piddled with many others.
HTML, CSS and JavaScript are coming along, I guess.
This is a personal site which may be of use to others. You are welcome to look around. Most of this site is made of parts which you may reuse with attribution, licensed CC-BY-SA, a Creative Commons license which explicitly allows you to re-use the pieces of text in your own work, but are expected to give credit to the original author (Algot Runeman) and allow/expect others to continue that reuse using the same license. You may not take personal credit for the parts of my work you use.
The clipart I have made are licensed with no restrictions using the CC0 public domain declaration, free to use with no attribution or limits on re-use.
Open Source - Open Education - Open Minds
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