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Gnome Glasses
Some fun in the sun.
The little project's done.
Gnome has shaded eyes
As he gazes to the skies.
The Gnome in our garden is forced to stand there, facing south in all sorts of weather.
It finally occurred to me that he needed some shades.
No, wait, that's not the poor sap. The gnome is the second one. (I'm easily confused.)
The sunglasses are made of three component parts, The forehead curve, a stem to go over each ear, and the lenses.
As you examine the code in the scad file, you'll find it is pretty straightforward, a curved front edge for the glasses frame and an ear stem which gets mirrored for the second side. The whole setup is printed in one solid color. The use of the color() command lets us see close to the final form. In reality, I printed using red PLA and the lenses were just painted with black acrylic paint which, along with the PLA, has held up well to the weather for a couple of months so far.
Available Files:
SCAD files for study/modification and STL files for quick prints
gnomeglasses.scad - gnomeglasses.stl appx. 1hr to print on Lulzbot MiniGPL3 License