Home > Puzzles > Wordies


Wicked Wonderful Wordies Archive

Solving Help

In the sample puzzle below, the word "cow" is the focus in the puzzle frame. Circle bits have been removed to make it look like holes in the word. "Holy Cow" is the target idiom, including a play on spelling "holey" becomes "holy".

Sample Wordie Puzzle

Sometimes words have shapes or are outside the frame, or are on top, etc. Those hints should help to make you think of the desired idiom.

The wordies here have been made with Inkscape, the excellent Free Software (open source) graphic design program. It is available for many different computer types including Macintosh, Windows and Linux.

If you are interested in making your own wordies, check out these instructions.

This top section of the archive page shows the current working set (51) which have not yet been converted into printable/sharable PDF pages of twelve puzzles with answer keys.
Please download and print them to challenge yourself and share with friends.

Small Screen? Tap/Click a wordie image to see it larger.


wordie puzzle
cluebest outcome
"(your)heart's desire"
wordie puzzle
cluedisappointing reply
"Tough noogies!"
wordie puzzle
joined at the hip
wordie puzzle
Einstein's E=MC²


wordie puzzle
cluenot important
(make) light of it
wordie puzzle
cluebaseball 'play'
wordie puzzle
clueno plan
offhand comment
wordie puzzle
clueshow all
offhand comment


wordie puzzle

it goes without saying

wordie puzzle

ramping up

wordie puzzle

come to terms with it

wordie puzzle

round of golf


In honor of the great work done in Games Magazine, my version of a "wordie" will appear on this site. Many will also be placed in other online locations like my Independent Social Media/Fediverse/Mastodon Account. If you enjoy these puzzles, you should also check the "Wuzzles" of Tom Underwood.

My own students enjoyed the challenge of wordies when I was still teaching. (So did the staff at my school!)

* Wicked is a New England regionalism. When somebody says "Wicked Wonderful", they are saying they approve.

Dozens of Dozens

Printable PDF pages

You may download and share printable pages (with answer keys) licensed with the Creative Commons Attribution license which encourages sharing the work. Links back to this site will be appreciated if you reuse any of these wordies on your own website or use them in your own printed materials.

Sets of 12 wordies with answer key
(Click link for browser view of US Letter PDF or right click and choose Save link as...)

These PDF files can be opened, viewed, and printed using many programs. You are free to download, save and to make as many copies as you wish and may also freely pass the file along to others. Sharing is good. (Please learn about and promote the use of Creative Commons Licensing.)

If you are interested in making your own wordies, check out these instructions.

Now available!

The first 288 Wicked Wonderful Wordies

Some sets of wordies are also available in a gallery format. The galleries seem to work well with a computer browser which provides the option to hover. Unfortunately, the current gallery versions do not work well with tablet and phone browsers which only give the "click" effect when a thumbnail is touched. The click/touch reveals the answer. My apologies to all mobile visitors. I'm exploring alternatives. In the meantime, mobile users can enlarge the thumbnails with a two-finger action to get a better look before tapping reveals the answer. Please contact me if you have suggestions.

JavaScript license information

Copyright © Algot Runeman, 2012-
Content licensed  Use the wordies as you see fit.
I'd appreciate a link back if you post on your own site, but that's your choice.
Sharing is good. User freedoms of Free Software are the best.
Thanks to the Creative Commons and Free Software Foundation.