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Site Redesign Horizontal Menu - tell me what you think, please.
Quatrains Rhymes for Fun Web - Tablet - Paper
Clipart Recent - added as they happen
Wordies Gallery View
Comments Have your say - feedback welcome

Wordie of the Week & A Recent Clipart

For some fun, here is a wordplay challenge.
Try to figure out the common phrase or idiom represented by the image on the left.

weekly wordie recent clipart

Hover for a clue. Click the wordie image for a better shot at an answer.
By following the link you will find a way to reveal the idiom/phrase.

Site Redesign

Resounding silence. That reaction to the change of menu style COULD be good news. It MIGHT mean that the visitors' browsers are not crashing. It COULD mean that the design is working for everyone seamlessly. CSS is a standard that all browsers are supposed to follow. Navy blue instead of a deep purple might even please some. No matter. Lacking a barrage of complaints, the redesign moved forward during the past couple of weeks so that the major sub-pages all comply and are tediously consistent with the new plan. There will always be the outlier pages which reflect ancient, (abandoned? - unloved? - unvisited?) material from long ago.

If you feel compelled to complain, have at it!

Software Freedom

I am an advocate for F/LOSS. Free/Libre Software (sometimes called 'open source') is the key to personal and organizational success. If you call it FOSS, I won't mind. You enjoy the freedom to use Free Software for any purpose, examine the code, modify the code and redistribute. Get involved, Hey?

What do you think?

The Answer Garden site is only intermittently available as of Dec. 12, 2015. Beyond my control.

Software Freedom is... Make your own at AnswerGarden.ch.

The Massachusetts Computer Using Educators, Inc. (MassCUE has a group of special interest groups (SIGs). Several of them are physically located. Some are virtual gatherings. You are welcome to participate whether or not you are a MassCUE member (which is, of course, encouraged). I'm the organizer of the SIG promoting the use of Free Open Source Software in schools.

Join Us


Subscribe to MOSSSIG



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KDE is a community of users and developers. I am proud to be a minor participant.

KDE sticker Kubuntu 15.10 with Plasma 5.4.3 running nicely on my computer today, .
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GNU MediaGoblin is building a free as in freedom media publishing platform, and it needs your help! Donate!
open respect
Open Respect was formed to provide a common place in which we can remind ourselves that irrespective of our views on openness and freedom, respect should be at the foundation of how we communicate.

EdCampBoston provides great professional development for educators.
EdCamp Boston
Image Credit: Paul Basta


Dawn and dusk are wonderful.


"Persistence quite often turns out to be omniscience my friend." (John McNeil - email)