Fidget Cube

After seeing a grandchild's purchased fidget cube and printing the demo project of a fidget spinner from Lulzbot, I thought it might be fun to make a fidget project of my own.
This project demonstrates "print in place" with the shaft between the two wheels a bit smaller than the hole through the cube. That makes the cube free to rotate. Though the fidget is two separate-but-interlocked pieces, it is printed all at once. No glue is needed.
After a quick twist to break the shaft free from a little bit of droopy filament, the cube rotates on the shaft and then the cube spins better and better over time.
I do not think it would be easier to construct this project by flipping it 90 degrees to sit on one of the wheels. I believe that would require some interesting support solutions, although it might make the spin work better right away. I'd be interested in your thoughts. (email in footer)
Available Files:
fidget05.stl - in case your fingers are twitching already and just need an instant print
fidget05-ann - for those who want a place to start adding a name to the cube.
GPL3 License