Traffic Cone
This cone design seems simple. The truth is that there are some advanced tricks going on in the OpenSCAD design.
To make the most sense of this short explanation, examine the cone.scad file which is linked below.
There are three useful/advanced design elements combined in this object:
- difference() To prevent the cone from needing much plastic, the outer cone has an inner cone deleted from it to make the cone empty. Of course, this is just like real traffic cones, so you will be able to stack several of these cones just like the real ones.
- hull() The actual base of the cone has rounded corners. Earlier versions had no base, a round base or just used the cube command to make a square base, but that wasn't "right", of course. Putting a hull around four small cylinders at each of the four corners created the rounded corners, closing them into a solid base.
- module base() By combining the base elements and the outer cone into a module, the difference() was possible to implement all at once, removing the inner slanted cylinder from both the flat base and the outer cone's slanted cylinder.

Available Files
These files are copyright Algot Runeman, 2017 and are shared with the intent that you can use, copy, study, modify and reshare under the GPL3 license or later. The STL file is provided for the convenience of those who just want to print the object without modification.
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