3D Central

Sofa Arm Can Holder
I have been living a dangerous life here at my computer workstation. I gradually drink a diet soda throughout the day, resting it on the extension table behind my laptop or on the arm of the sofa. The can has only tipped off that sofa arm one time. Still, when I had the potential danger pointed out for the fifth time, I decided to do something better.
To make it even safer, I have added extra grip between the two printed elements. The can-holding loop element is glued to the arm hook. I don't think I should trust the glue, so I added a gripper shape to the loop which snaps onto the arm hook. The loop is printed upright whle the arm hook is printed sideways. Two pieces, they cannot be easily printed as a single piece. The "grippers" will offer more support than glue alone, I think. Making the gripper was another polygon exercise.
Available Files:
SCAD files for study/modification and STL files for quick prints
canholder02.scad - canholder02.stl - appx. 2hr to print on Lulzbot MiniGPL3 License