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3D Central
From time to time, this page will show a new design, completed or in progress, depending on my own whim. These notes (of *some* of my projects) are presented with newest posts at the top and oldest at the bottom.
I also hope some of my notes will help others enjoy their own 3D printing experiences.
While this series of posts is not a training series, many of my notes are about how I am learning and applying the commands of the solid modelling software OpenSCAD, pronounced (open-ESS-cad)
. I hope they are useful to you.
In December of 2016, I won a contest offered by opensource.com and backed by Aleph Objects, Inc., makers of the Lulzbot line of open hardware printers. It only took a tweet to win. A new hobby was born.
and Lulzbot which started it all.