Banner: betty'n'bob

These cartoons are released with a Creative Commons Zero (CC-0) license (unless noted) so you can make the most of them.

Laughter is optional; rolling of the eyes is an acceptable response. rolling eyes image

2013 may be gone, but these cartoons are still with us...too bad!

Just in case you still have the interest ---- 2011 - 2012 (Older-er Cartoons)

November 10, 2013

Environmental Dating Service
Thanks to the wrapper on a stick of Wrigley's sugar free gum for the inspiration.

July 14, 2013 (Happy Bastille Day)

Remember to make your best guess before you hover to see my answer.
Summer activity. Peanuts?

June 16, 2013

Bus Tour

February 23, 2013

Cartoon - Word of the Day: anaptyxis

February 17, 2013

Wordie - Cliff Notes
Go ahead, "study" this one before you hover for the answer.

January 24, 2013

cartoon: Stilt and Stub #1

January 19, 2013

cartoon: learning and retention
Learning isn't the same as covering a subject. It's personal, but happens when someone,
often a teacher, lights a spark in your being. Nurture the fire.

Special thanks to Leo Loikkannen and Máirín Duffy for their inspiration.

logo for the self-centered
Being self-centered may not be an official affliction, but it is a common state.
Feel free to adopt this logo, especially where YOU matter. I have.
Released, like everything else here, CCZero. Take it. It's yours.
Click the logo image above to get just the circle full of I.

Comics created using the wonderful vector graphic program Inkscape.

If you want to explore making vector graphic cartoons on your own, download and install Inkscape which works with Windows, Macintosh and Linux. It won't cost you anything. It is Free Open Source Software (FOSS).

Then, if you want, download one of two design templates listed below. Right click and choose the "Save link as..." option.

Basic betty'n'bob template - three panel cartoon template and some starter characters.
Instructions template - three panel template surrounded by some instruction material for how to do new characters and cartoon elements.
(Right click and choose the "Save link as..." option. Templates [SVG format] require a program like Inkscape.)

cartoon template png
cartoon template with instructions

Have fun. Learning is a game that pays you many benefits.