Body backgrounds and
div block background testing.

Background/Border Tests

For the most part, the backgrounds have been created using Inkscape, the Free Software, open source vector graphics program. I highly recommend it.

For those who are wondering, yes, there are CSS elements in play here which might fit in that other section of tests and practice pages. At some point in this process, there is a mixing of techniques. As I learn, I need to practice not only the specific thing on which I am focusing, but to try to cement the concepts from other parts of the learning process.

The rectangle at the top right is a div that is done with style="float:right; padding:1em;" which is something I might formerly have done by trying to use tables.

Some of you will say, "You can see these things by doing Ctrl+U in Firefox to pop open a window to show the html source." That's true, of course, but these pages are developmental (learning) notes for me, too. If they help you understand a point or two, that's good as well.