MassCUE Board Meeting Sun Valley/Esempio Stafford Springs, CT July 24, 1998 Bob Hanna, Buzzy Esempio, Sharon Esempio, Laurie Keating, Nancy Vose, Algot Runeman/// Marcy Reed, Laurene Belisle, Lelia Richardson, Steve Lamarche 11:00 Unofficial discussion Youth Tech Entrepreneurs DOE initiative piloting in Malden to create a program of student technology assistants for the district, attempting to model it for the state. SIGs 20 meetings at $500.00/meeting N.B. If Laurie does an overnight meeting the cape is guaranteed to have a hurricane. MassCUE events create weather problems for Laurie. Build leadership...accomplish Incommn (Hanna) Rick Feldman big in REBA organization which is being replaced by Incommn to get people together in west of the state to create a wide area network which will enable people share (SIG) getting the interest Bob Hanna will go to the advisory meeting. Tuesday August 25 at 9:30 City Hall in West Springfield Corporation for Public Technology Rick Feldman As the state moves forward to approve the connection of schools to the planned backbone for town agencies, Tom Iaccabucci (on board of Mass Municipal Assn.) indicates that the state will do the POPs quickly where there are people ready. Townspeople need to get into the schools to see what good things are going on. Make sure to invite selectmen and fincom people to major events at schools. Recommend cityside and schoolside staffs train side by side. Buy in larger group for training wherever possible. 11:52 Marcy Reed, Laurene Belisle 11:59 Lelia Richardson 12:03 Steve Lamarche Meeting called to order 12:05 Secretary's Report Moved to accept the minutes of the June 1998 meeting (Nancy/Steve) Passed 8/0 Treasurer's FY 1998 Report (attached) Move to approve (Sharon/Laurie) Passed 8/0 Extra treasurer's report info.. Some numbers from the yellow sheet which were accounts receivable have been received in July 98 Still only owed about $3000 from FY98. Purple copy is 96-97 for comparison Board $36,573.02 compares to $55,540.11 this year. We have spent much more this year than last. Lelia has always charged membership costs as board expenses. Membership is a function of the board, not separated out. This year, membership directory cost us a lot because of all the changes. Lelia recommends that "membership" be listed separately for clerical cost. Printing costs have doubled. Professional Fees have risen as we have become more professional. Our growth is across the whole spectrum of our finances. Though our costs are up, our activities are also larger and the inflow of money has increased in parallel. Reminder to bill Steve Miller for Lesley College event: costs incurred by board members for attendance at the leadership conference. Pathfinder Award Committee Information presented by the good efforts of Bob Hanna (not Hannah or Hardy or Spletstosser, even). Only three committee members will continue because some members were nominees this year for the award. Christine Maloof from Lawrence and Debbie Gabriel suggested by Nancy. There will probably be 8 or 9 nominees. As SIGs continue to organize Marcy suggests that the MassCUE board nominate a pathfinder be which the board feels has done great good for technology in schools each year. Nancy seconds. passed 8/0 Marcy nominates Steve Miller (second Laurene) for the board Pathfinder recognition. Marcy, Laurene, Laurie and Bob will write up the formal nomination. Laurene was totally impressed with what the program did. It was well organized with all the components parts leading to an action plan. Nancy requests Laurene Marcy and Sharon (Eileen Kelley also) to write a cover piece for the August calendar. Passed 8/0 One Pathfinder Committee goal for this year is to give the flame "statue" to everyone. 1994 (95?) and before did not get them. Only 1996 on. Please look for 89-94 omissions or confusions. Recommended consults: Barbara Debbs? Connie Louie? Originally an ETAC project. Earle has gone over the list. Beth Lowd? We have done some honor for Beth, but not sure about the Recommend putting the list on the web site to solicit Steve indicates the flames only cost $40.00 each Steve recommends we ask for Computer Museum to hang a plaque to list the Pathfinder awards and explain what the award is. Will also show off MassCUE. As an organization, MassCUE took on selection and awarding Pathfinder Awards 1995 (94-95 was shared with DOE when Piedad Robinson gave them out) We are seeking to consolidate the records and to unify the awards. Remember that we have free use of Holiday Inn in Worcester for meetings (pay only for food) The issues raised are referred to Bob and the Pathfinder Award Committee. Nancy moves that the board give a superintendent pathfinder award at the superintendent's mini-conference (??2nd). Wants to have the superintendents to see what we acknowledge true technology leadership at the superintendent level. Laurene- Should this be a Pathfinder Award? Nancy feels that this is an opportunity to make a point with the superintendents statewide. Steve looks to superintendents having more involvement in our conference. Lelia- Superintendents have been nominated before - should they be isolated? Encouraging the politics of Superintendent nominations. Marcy would leave it as is. One special nominee by the board. Need to encourage Supt. level leadership. Bob - Florida CUE comment "The first person in the district who should have a computer is the supt." Defeated 1-7 Conference: Conference booklet is at the printer. Letters are out to presenters confirming. Steve (phone cost to us is higher than we are charging) $150 billed to users. Steve recommends raising price so phones don't cost MassCUE anything. Are there other expenditures to watch (Marcy) Marcy has regretfully accepted presider chair retirement from the committee. Looking for a replacement person to work with coordination of the presiders. Nancy recommends the two new people from Lawrence who are also looking at participation at the board level. Christine and Debby. Sharon notes that in all cases it is wise to build in a backup person for every major job. SIG Committee Report: SIG Retreat space and agenda are set (multicolored packet) Apple will be at the retreat to work with the SIG attendees to develop the two proposed days of training provided by Apple for the SIG leader development. Good location at Host Hotel Sharon is looking at communications for SIGs. Booklets a SIG kit so that MassCUE materials get out for display at meetings. Steve Miller is using MassCUE for dissemination through SIGs, planning 20 meetings $500.00 per meeting. Trying to get teacher voices developed. Laurene - At what point is the presence of board members an intrusion on the SIG leaders. Avoid the interference. Sharon - Most of board are from the SIG experience. Marcy - not currently involved with any SIG and wants to avoid interference with the SIG group. SIGs currently don't have enough connection to the board or conference. Board should not huddle in one place, but not need to be involved the whole time. Important during the informal parts of the meeting. Need to solidify a count this weekend. Calendar info due at the same time as the meeting. Paying the president: The money identified on the agenda brought into aspects of MassCUE because of Nancy's actions as president. Laurene -Everyone's job is expanding. We need someone who is "free" of other responsibilities to run MassCUE. Education is in a crisis. 3-4 year window to change education delivery systems. MassCUE is the only teacher organization pushing change. We are moving ahead organizationally. Our corporate quote might be: "We'll let you do it for free as long as you are willing to work for free." Prefer a paid president instead of executive director because we don't have a fixed space like MESPA. Marcy - Can we legally? Steve - we can pay person if we want to. Need job description with vision, justification, clearly Board must have oversight. Budget would include costs to attend conferences, etc. Laurie - Driving pay in addition to mileage. Salary not hourly Evaluate at the end of the year. Expectation that a person will give up another job. MTA style? This job cannot be done by a person who has a full time Step 1: Pay Nancy for second half of the term...short term to determine the formal position requirements. Step 2: Look for executive director. Pay Nancy a consulting fee Steve - Compensate Nancy Don't want the two positions to be in conflict or competing. or a layer of burocracy. Vision of development issues. We fund part and Pres gets some more by bringing it in. President is a figurehead and leader of the board and the organization. Technology is moving so fast that the jobs we have have grown. Don't want to tie the hands of a president. Laurie Moves to pay Nancy enough to continue to support MassCUE's involvement at the state level and at the same time develop a specific plan for MassCUE to have a new leadership structure by the December board meeting. This is considered a temporary/emergency measure. $30,000 recommended at $2500 a month a half administrative salary This motion is withdrawn. Move to pay a consultant fee of $2500/month to represent MassCUE's mission at the statewide level; to provide fiscally advantageous activities for MassCUE and its members; to serve as a communications conduit to and from other groups with educational impact; to play an active role in statewide education initiatives and policy making; to develop and promote professional development opportunities for Massachusetts educators; to present a detailed leadership structure proposal (related to our continuing executive director discussions) at the December 1998 board meeting; and that the board contract Nancy Vose to serve as the consultant. The $2500.00 monthly payment shall run from September 1, 1998 through December 31, 1998. (Laurie Keating/Sharon Esempio) We have painted ourselves into this position. Algot represents the anchor of the "organization". Nancy is going to have to get paid starting in September and will either be paid by MassCUE or be paid by someone else and that will mean she does not have the time to devote to MassCUE business. We must compensate Nancy as a paid consultant - outside contractor - Not hiring an employee. Recommend paying Nancy through December during the time that the organizational issues are developed and clarified. Nancy can accept the position on the basis of being paid only between now and December at which time the issue will be reconsidered. Motion Passed 5/2/1 (for/against/abstained) Additional conference discussion: Conference proposal from Sturbridge Host hotel for the 1999 conference. Please look at Conference proposal for another day's discussion. Investigate sites for 2000 (Conference committee position) conference committee needs to decide what it is looking for in a site. Additional vendor space alone isn't enough reason to move the conference. Keep a low key involvement with other hotels until investigations are complete to avoid making problems with Holiday Inn in Worcester. (Springfield under consideration as well) Keep low profile because sales force people go to our current site at Holiday Inn and may jeopardize our relationships. Host and Holiday Inn owned by the same company. We want to reserve Holiday Inn for 2000 but that we must in all honesty looking at larger sites. We must be careful not to bet ourselves stuck out in a parking lot. Need decision by December. Conference committee first, then board. Recommendations from the board taken to the conference committee. Not board decisions to the committee. Algot feels Nancy is coming from unclear information. Decisions made without board approval. If we don't expand in 1999 we may not need more space for 2000. Sturbridge Host says they have 16 breakout locations. We need to measure up in the eyes of other organizations to grow. Sharon wants to recommend board subcommittee to go to the conference committee meeting. Laurene - Legal ramifications? Starting all over may be hard. Currently have a conference committee. Quality - Plan - There is concern that the conference committee feels things should go their way or no way. Assess options for site anonymously - not with sales people looking over our shoulders. Year 2000 was the change time the conference committee recommended for the date of change. Springfield also Royal Plaza should be considered. Selecting a site is a complex and time consuming process - the number of people isn't the total issue. Need to have someone oversee.. Discussion put on hold for future consideration. Nancy moves to appoint Christine Maloof to the board. Algot 2nd Passed 8-0 Debbie Gabriel is invited to attend all meetings. It was felt that two people could not currently hold a joint position, sharing a vote as if a single board member. Two Recommendations: (Please consider) 1) Every committee needs to prepare a written report. Even if it is only one page of summary of motions and decisions. All motions must be submitted to the board by 48 hours before a meeting More advance time is recommended, Email is acceptable method of distribution in addition to regular mail. Move to adjourn Steve/Algot Meeting adjourned 4:30 P.M.