MassCUE Board Meeting Holiday Inn, Worcester, MA November 18, 1994 Call to order 4:15 Please plan to finish before 7:00 Tony D'Acchioli, Jane Manzelli, Nancy Vose, Juliet Avots, John Marsula, Algot Runeman, Earle Hancock, Linda Colvin, Steve Lamarche, Lelia Richardson, Ron Koehler, John LeBaron, Ginny Warn, Rosemary Hunter, Pauline Lamarche Note: MTA trying to get certification not to be an issue to be handled by school and teacher instead of state. (to be handled by the state) 1. Secretary's report Move to accept (John Marsula) Passed 7-0 2. Conference Report Wildly number successful. Another similar increase would be a problem. Increased from 611 to 800 on Friday. Saturday the numbers were up 70 There were 50 each day walk-in registrations. 912 lunches with 805 paid. Dinner was down in numbers (but still in high spirits). Registrations 570 up 160 membership over 900, up from 750. More joined than resigned this year. Thursday workshops will become 4 hours and went well this year 250 at planning workshop + 65 at Tom Snyder's meeting. Vendors up. Yellow sheet shows layout of vendor area with whole ballroom and all but 4 tables are sold. Probably could increase 20 vendors if there were room. Move to approve the purchase/construction of additional cords for electricity. 4 50 ft electrical and 4 50 ft multiple-outlet not to exceed $1000.00 without returning to the board for approval. (Ron Koehler, 2nd John Marsula) Moving from 48 tables to 64 tables and the cords will serve the purpose. 9-0 passed. Pauline's sister has been trying to keep up on recievables. No bill from keynotes. They've been called. Recommendation for next year's conference Thurs-Friday (no Saturday!) Wednesday would be the pre-conference day. Thursday night dinner Friday end 4:00 with vendors planned to stay till then. New location for 1996? we have no option for next year, but we need more space possibly to Springfield Marriot? Will there be a new conference center in Worcester? Springfield is way out. Would lose some. Two motels connected- fill one and look full and expand as necessary. Don't want to rattle around in an empty space. Need overlap lunch and keynote both Thurs and Fri. Juliet wonders if attendance is going to be one-day-only, will that be good. How can we encourage people to come on Thursday? It may be that Holiday Inn will look less crowded if split occurs. We cannot wait to see conference numbers before deciding on Springfield. Classy space in Springfield. On 90-91 junction. Could draw better from the west and from Vermont and Connecticut. Sturbridge cannot accomodate us- booked. One day rate stays the same for Friday, "Saturday" rate will be equalled. 96 conf may be a 3 day. Move to approve the dates of the 1995 conference (John Marsula, 2nd Jane Manzelli) Passed 10/0 3. Retirement/Appointment Joan Hamilton in Arizona, retired. Steve has been busy in the organization and is willing to fill. Earle appointed Steve Lamarche to fill the board vacancy (cheers all around). Steve is currently a Whittier Regional special needs educator. 9. Retreat Rosemary Hunter and Linda Colvin will head the committee to prepare the plan for the Retreat. 27 28 April 1995. Small numbers in "retreat" style to relax and refresh. Rosemary "ethics" may be topic, Other issues Higher Ed. User support. Tech funding beyond grants How many hats do each of us wear. How to deal with load of work and develop strategy to pass job components off to others. How to be flexible. how to train yourself. How to get credit for teaching oneself. Avoiding burnout. Becoming a better spokesperson. Group therapy session at the retreat. Lobby for a clearly defined role. Ron Koehler "non technical aspects are harder than the technical parts of using school technology." No study hall time at all. No funds for more teachers. Computers don't count in the core yet. Core undermines the ed reform plan. Therefore change the name of anything you teach to make it a core subject. Computer coordinator will be tapped to teach the kids coming out of studies. State may be looking to integrate tech seamlessly into the core subjects and get tech people to allow larger time blocks and maybe bigger classes to provide the higher level of time on task in the core subjects. Not only coordinators should be at the retreat. Technology educators should attend. Trying to go back to the "retreat" atmosphere without a conference setting. "Internet" is out as a topic. Jan 31 at the MSSAA, Bill Rex is going to put on a third leadership day on the state plan. Hands on workshops question on the conf. got 150 responses for 3 hour workshops in the spring. Limit the topic. Daniel Webster...60 people. "Only a few places left" Gender equity, informational aparteid. White middle class group of people at our conf. Ginny wants us to consider a revisit of the equity issue. Let the committee go ahead to decide some of these issues to return . Constitute committee with a session at a board meeting. Jane Manzelli willing to help. There are people in the state who would help. (See Mitch Kapor and maybe Software Council) Watch out for one school to be hung out to dry on the issue of. John L feels we need a "deliverable" (product) (revisit conf. -- committee recommends purch of 200 tee shirts for sale at the conf. Different from the awarded T or sweats. "Massachusetts Computer Using Educators" instead of "Carpe Diem". Next committee mtg. is Jan 19 Worcester at 4:30 with snow date of Jan. 26. Professional level rock band lead by Marcie Reed. OnCUE with chorus line 'onCUEties'. Software council band will agree to have a battle of the bands with us. 4. Car Phone Earle requests a vote for MassCUE board to approve expenses of a mobile phone for the MassCUE president. (Moved byLinda / 2nd John Marsula). 9-0 passed Bills will be in Earle's name currently and will be submitted for reimbursement. 5. Consultant request recommendations. Karen Smith will help us deal with this. Call for consultants going out in on CUE to provide consultant list that people can choose independent consultants. We need to be careful to not put a stamp of approval on members of the list. Maxine Menkoff searchable gopher database. In print too. Avoid appearance of endorsement. Provider must provide a 3 school track record. Go to a school and "teach a class". Good way for MassCUE members to help others and grow and make some money. People seeking help developing a technology plan. Resource list of "local experts" with a process of vetting planned. Look back at our planning meetings with a committment of people John Marsula, Ron Koehler, Nancy Vose, Algot Runeman. Nancy will convene the first meeting. 6. Treasurer's Report Table the Treasurer's report - wrong report got printed. Orally reported data $15,000 post conference figures roughly with over $33K still receivable from school purchase orders. We have rec'd. figs showing on the Conference 94 Breakdown. so the total conference income is $80K as compared to $65K Currently we are close to the red until all the accounts receivable come in. John Lebaron commented on the success of the leadership conferences as a "Massachusetts Fried Leadership" (in reference to franchised leadership meetings) 7. Certification (15 min limit) looking maybe to a subcommmittee. Staffing of vol 7 of mass ed on line. What positions are hanging out in the void. Group headed by Gail Ross McBride to the Dept of Ed. Willing to work with MassCUE to get things rolling. Barbara Dunham Sharon. Science is industrial technology. Need a common chapter in all the frameworks. The nine MEOL volumes could be our "chapter" in each of the state's frameworks. State lack of certification concern. Call executive office of Education to ask for your free copy of the MEOL disk. All educators will teach with technology. Tests in grade 4, 8 and 10. Too many certifications possible? What is the process we should create to organize this certification issue. Connie Louie may not want to lead much in this issue. SIG for networking, not lobbying. Networking is the initial phase and may be SIG, but need an adhoc committee of MassCUE. Immediate need John L sees this as a board committee. Not board members, but board sanctioned. Public meeting for input to the certification issue NOV 30 DEC 7 DEC 14 with 7th not the best choice. Most people agree Dec 14 (Wednesday) is the best. Minuteman is okay also for space at 4:00 Certification Focus Group. Barbara Dunham will co-chair with Gail Ross-McBride. 10. NECC Lesley College request MassCUE to co-sponsor NECC 2000? Table for Feb. and more information. 12. Statehouse day Wonderful last year. Need decision for go/no-go for this year? Jane Manzelli agrees to chair the effort hoping that Piedad Robinson will still be on the cabinet position. Jane will chair, Nancy will help, Earle Monday May 8. first choice May 22 as backup second choice. 8. Restructure MassCUE table. Approached by Steve Miller who thought if MassCUE could get $1-2 hundred thousand to do MEOL training etc. How do we deal with the money? Executive director, bookkeeper, etc. President and major volunteers get stipends. which doesn't solve the problem of burnout. Do we want to do mini-sessions of training etc. President of an organization could funnel money through the school system to maintain jobs in the school. 4 year limit Management Services (Business Manager) to activate the board's plans. Small businesses cannot stay the same. Plan Item #1 on next meetings agenda. Meet with a lawyer, one who will give us pro Bono advice. Next board meeting Feb 10. 4:00 at Holiday Inn. Adjourn 7:05