MassCUE Executive Board Meeting July 22, 1994 Minuteman Tech, Lexington 9:50 Earle, John LeBaron, Bill Johnson, Algot Runeman, Karen Smith Jim Modena, Nancy Vose, Frances Morse, Ginny Warn, Ron Koehler Leadership day plans Executive Summaries: Switched on Classroom, MassTTF (Mitre paper), MassEdonLine Call to order 10:09 by Earle Hancock, President of MassCUE Move to accept minutes (Bill Johnson, no second.) Table secy report. Editorial revision required. (Ginny Warn and Ron Koehler arrive.) Massachusetts Software Council (Karen Smith) Switched on Classroom™ has been inadvertently used without acknowledgement of the Massachusetts Software Councli which has filed for registration of trademark. UseSeitched on Classroom™ for now later use ® when the trademark is officially registered. All additional materials will acknowledge the Software Council trademark. Earle will call Lelia to make sure a notice is included in our next publication to members telling them about the oversight. Karen Smith is here to discuss implementing the concepts: looking for our ideas. Feedback incredible.—NY Times talked about it. 28 states and 3 countries have asked for copies. David Blum interviewed on TV. George Lucas Skywalker Foundation asked for info, too. Businesses want to get involved. Met with MCET Celt, Education Secy. The Council wants to add MassCUE imput. "Where should we focus our activities." Karen Smith, former educator. Software council is over 1600 to reach 1800 participant software companies in Ma. 82000 employees. 80 Percent of companies have fewer than 20 employees. Council represents the youthful industry. Want software to make a difference in education. Their kids are in the schools, now. Council roles: MCET programming supporting SOC activities-Case studies, admin support, DoE implementing templates. facilitate partnerships-tremendous resource list--partnership effort maximize use of money and use available resources. SC wants to facilitate work between companies and school system which is in need of the particular expertise of the company. Work with MassCUE our efforts are recognized statewide and esp in the Software Council. NancyV—adds that she's heard Karen Smith speak about business partnerships and identifies Karen as a super person in the "science of business/school partnerships." JohnLWill the SC have a visible presence at our October conference? Possibly Given turnover projected in teaching today, something needs to be done at the teacher training facilities. SC should be looking into support of new teachers to impact their operating styles. Jim Modena resents having to teach student teachers (Needham). SC sent Switched on Classroom to Dean of Ed at every school at book rate 2 weeks ago. Letter accompanies that discusses role of teacher preparers in the school process. JohnL— Accrediting agencies need to be aware of the SC effort. ISTE pressures accrediting agencies as NCATE Nancy—Is a paradigm shift possible at higher ed level? JohnL—Well entrenched value system in research places. Electronic publishing is not considered significant in research papers. Philosophy of education questions the "serve business" role of education. We got to the current education position by responding to 1800's business requests. JimM—Needs to know many technical things and to keep up with new technology like networking. SC businesses could be resource partners for technology coordinator people Make sure technology coordinators on the list. Resource people may be too technically powerful to go directly to classrooms. Building level technology people need specific training in the schools. Paring with novice teachers might be less valuable. Ron—In a broad sense business employees advocate technology in their communities. Involve local businesses in educational tech planning. Who do you contact. What do you ask. Is the company ready to provide any real support? Clearly defined goals at a particular school will encourage employees of SC companies to provide direct support. Karen—Can blow a partnership by making the wrong contact. Important to call the president of a company. Let the president send the troops to your aid. Need to know what to talk about. You never get a second chance to make your first contact. SIG meeting offer "training" sessions about school-business partnerships which does not necessarily mean ask for money or software. Have specific idea in mind. Earle—Tom Snyder is keynote speaker and we might ask him to blend pieces of the SC partnership theme into his speech. Earle would recommend externships from school teachers into the companies of the SC. Companies like it but tough economic times create. No benefits though the jobs remain when the people must be cut back. How is the extern salary paid. Salary paid by business to school and the school pays the benefits. Shadow employees lacking a meaningful job. Essential personnel at a small company cannot afford losing a C++ Macintosh programmer in exchange for a classroom teacher. Work perspective for teacher who has gone into industry is very good. Legal / ethical situation about software distribution. We need to cross-communicate about how to prevent "violation" policies. Need a uniform policy. Librarians need to understand the copyright and ownership of software in school settings. Schools need a way to legitimately use software MacControl is a good product. Jim—Add us to mailing list since we are often the movers and shakers. Karen asks that we call her with additional ideas. One Exeter Plaza, Suite 200, Boston, MA 02116-2831 617-437-0600 Break 11:15-11:30 (Bill Johnson leaves) Leadership Institute Need Bill to put the names of our group members on the listserv at MCET so all our committee members will get the information in a timely way. 250 still a goal for the maximum number of participants (currently about 140). Lots of different levels of planning at the schools. Resource people starting to gather. Frances Morse - membership survey As part of her doctoral thesis, Frances wants to survey MassCUE members twice. The first time will qualify participants to provide selection demographics for the "thesis" survey which would be sent to a small subset of MassCUE members. (Ginny Warn leaves 11:37) Frances will attend the conference but questions the distribution of surveys at the conference. It would be better to distribute it earlier and attempt to collect them at the conference. Request for MassCUE support: Full mailing list possibly on disk for the basic name/address MassCUE endorses MassCUE questions allowed in survey #1 Support for communication of plan in calendar or onCUE (Currently 63% of MassCUE members are female.) Disk and set of labels MassCUE letter of support. Moved that we support Frances Morse in her preparation and distribution of a research survey as a mutually beneficial partnership with MassCUE. [JohnL/Algot second] Passed 6/0 Nancy Vose wants to write an onCUE article which will follow up with a database of expertise so that people can call upon one another for service for hire or service trades between schools. SHARING. Inservice provider Shareware library sending shareware to Russia by way of Emily Nicodemus of Attleboro and (Norfolk) Move to ajourn at 12:30 Wouln't it be neat if MassCUE had a StPetersburg SIG?