MassCUE Executive Board Meeting June 23, 1994 Minuteman, Lexington Charlie Schiller, Earle Hancock, Algot Runeman, Nancy Vose, John Marsula, Lelia Richardson. (Ginny Warn, Linda Colvin?, Ron Koehler arrived during meeting) Call To Order 3:59 PM Earle is royally irritated. On time, every time cannot be a MassCUE quote. Please be on time for meetings. SIG dinner meeting was long but productive of SIG spirit. Move to accept min of Ap.8 Nancy Vose --not seconded ATR only other board member present at that moment. Move May mintes again. Conference Committee Conf 1994 going along swimmingly Glitch for 95--by fiat, field commander vonBelisle and Commandant vonHancock and OftenFuhrere Reed decided Wed Th, Fri for the days, but we cannot have same week at the end of Oct. We must meet first week of November to have the hotel if we want the preconference day WED which we need for the leadership meeting. In 1996 we will drop back to the third week of Oct. but still be Wed,Th,Fri Wed is preconference both years. the conference is still planned for Th and Friday, not Saturday! This is a major change!!! The first application has come in for the Leadership. (4) Leadership Institute Earle digresses about BB&N being the original designers of the DARPANET. [[Ginny Warn arrives 4:14. (Earle facetiously nominates Ginny for immediate accession to the presidency. All vote yes! equally in jest.) July 22, 1994 10:00 is the next board meeting (it is a Friday).]] 250 may be max. Hold numbers down to a reasonable number. Meet with other groups -- very driven successful Planning for technology plan, how will the classroom work? agenda not yet together--do we have a visionary leader to speak? Start with a look to the future and then effective facilitators. Dynamic speaker-the rest of the agenda to be determined. Need list of Leadership people from Ginny. Ginny and Earle and John LeBaron for us--Esa Zimmerman MassTFF etc.... preconference expectations team needs to meet at the local district to do work before 40 min visionary framework done by speakers work session QandA? SUPER-COMMITTEE Ginny Warn, Earle Hancock, John LeBaron, Bill Johnson(MCET), Caroline Trip (MASCD), Esa Zimmerman (MassTFF), Dan Keogh (MassTFF), Fran Zelonis, Jim Warner (MTC MassTelecomCoalition), Rolf Erickson (MLSMA), ..(MESPA Mass Elementary School Principals Assn.). MSSAA--?? Set up support system commitment to generate continuing effort at the district level--commitment to a support model at the local district. Empower people at the local level to develop leadership skills. Try to include an agenda of the Leadership day in the Conference Booklet. Thank you Linda. It was your push that made it go forward. = Earle's used e-mail address. Day setup person - speak Facilitato-trainer internal facilitators July 22 10:00 AM (Friday) Ron Koehler arrived 4:51 PM. Karen Smith/Plotkin Getting and Training the facilitators Laurene is contact for the food. Retreat-- Next year? Yes Location? Same 40-intimate-unstructured time included-maintain the tradition Not intended to be nitty gritty. No board meeting at the retreat. Thursday/Friday Subject to be determined Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility New frontiers Accelerated Learning "A Moo is udderly boring" SIG report For the most part healthy and functioning except for Dukes county which had no meetings this year. Plymouth county is now Sylvia Blakesley and ..Dave Chuckran (who didn't used to be a member). Leila Deigenis - Multimedia sig 4 meetings this year. Telecommunications SIG still going strong. 10 county sigs and Rhode island SIG dinner successful complete with professsional aerial show Lelia wants a list of all undocumented SIG members. Send on disk if possible tab separated text file. Zip in a separate field. Reminder of next Board meeting July 22, 10:00 be prompt at 9:45 Please urge other members not here today. Mass Ed on Line all meetings are done - bill is in the legislature now. Dissention has begun $1million to MCET from senate. $4.2 house none going to Dept of Ed. in their bill. Not all of it for technology. All this happened at the last state technology committee meeting EOE (executive office of education) MCET budget - write checks... DoE goes through RFP and months of wait EoE process not specified. Greg Nadeau - Antonucci's assistant Motion to adjourn 5:21 Adjourned 5:22 Note: onCUE deadline is July 31.....FIRM Respectfully submitted Algot Runeman