## MassCUE Executive Board Meeting ### July 25, 1990 Becket, MA (Linda Colvin's house) Board members present: Martin Huntley, Mac McCassey, Alan November, Linda Colvin, Algot Runeman, Earle Hancock, John Marion, Gail Ross-McBride, Laurene Belisle, Laura Peterson, Peg Bondorew, John LeBaron. Members present: Fernando DeLaFuente, Meeting called to order with the comment that Linda's house gives "most palatial accommodations for a meeting." The board appreciates Linda's wonderful hospitality. Many thanks for a marvelous time. ### Reports **Leadership** - The current figures show that the Leadership Institute will break even. 28 currently enrolled (wanted 30) 1 from England, a Czechoslovakian for one day, others from California, Indiana, Texas, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Massachusetts. Two college credits available for $95.) Commuting cost $175 (South Hadley) Room and board $355. **Report accepted 10/0** **Conference** - The program (preconference mailing) booklet is almost ready. Content approved, Cover still to be finalized, final version can include reassignment of rooms and other similar details. Some rooms intentionally left blank Calendar imbalance *vis-a-vis* MS-DOS content. MS-DOS still under-represented from our perspective. Codes still to be added to program - revisit strand concept. Need to encourage teachers to give us more MS-DOS. Hand over MS-DOS issue to IBM folks (Ann King, etc) to drum up more presentations for us. IBM currently 12% - 30% now in schools, appear headed 50% range. Alan - Must encourage IBM participation since Apple executives are commonly in our program. Earle - What is Commodore presence (2 workshops). We cannot pander to organizations, but we must promote IBM, maybe go over Ann King's head to higher executive like Cathy Hurley (National Educational Advisor) who is coming to Leadership Institute. We should pay for added rooms if the workshops are worth it. (may still get more free rooms if we sell out the hotel Alan- we can get a good IBM contact (Lud Braun? restructuring, IBM Teacher of the Year Goal of 2 workshops for two days Seek dynamite workshops from IBM. We need to bring people to the conference. Don't expect Lelia to accomplish the impossible with mailing label cross checking. NESDEC needs 1500 extra mailers for a special mailing they will do. Need one phone location. MECC (Cheryl Marty) wants to give private reception for MECC members only. They will invite the members themselves. A Friday Presenter comes free for that day but must pay $15.00 to come Saturday. Presiders continue to get CUEBucks for their efforts. Equipment workers, etc. should have T-shirts (Check w/IBM for donation). Gail- Buttons? Check logo. Peg will run raffle based on money (Later notes? SIG pages *should* be in the final program booklet. John Marion will organize getting 1/2 page of copy from each. Advertising set in Boston Public Schools bulletins, BCS Calendar, MTA News, National Ads, WGBH will film Alan Kay's keynote address. Treasurer - See attached pages Old Business: Ratify Executive actions - Raffle - 2 computers (Mac and Commodore) 12:00 Saturday separate from door prizes sell tickets only - no giveaway as part of registration. Peg and Mac McCassey will organize details. Laura Peterson will follow up college marketing. Institutional membership Contact CUEs across country to find out their policies. Alan will get concrete models (at leadership, too). Copyright Policy: March 1987 *The Computing Teacher* contains the ICCE (ISTE) policy - John Marion proposes we use as a model. **Gail moved (Alan seconded) that we ratify and adopt the ISTE copyright policy for MassCUE.** **Passed 10/0** (Pass along board decisions for *onCUE*) New Logo for MassCUE Must reflect MassCUE goals in graphic form) Leadership for educators (primary) Technology (secondary) Mission statement needed Earle will set up sub-committe to develop new logo. Conference Co-sponsorships - Postponed for future consideration (by next conf. Outreach Coordinator Position. Schools for the 21st Century Conference BCS [Boston Computer Society] wants more collaboration Names mentioned: Joanne Robinson, Jane Manzelli, Mary Pavento, Beth Lowd, Juliette Avots. - Gail McBride please contact possibilities in your order. Want dynamic person. Lunch break (yummy, especially the *rich* desserts) 12:55. Reconvene 2:00 Commercial vs. non-commercial presentation issue. Commercial presentations require the purchase of a vendor table at the conference. We must provide Equity - the perception by vendors of someone giving a "commercial" presentation without paying for a table. We must avoid conference participant confusion. They must know up front. There are 4 cases to consider. - 1) Clear ID as commercial - no problem 2) Vendor rep but booked as non-commercial - problem 3) Software Evaluation that links with vendor - problem 4) Example: Grading program presentation - given by 2 teachers - do they have a commercial interest. Maybe we should have 3 designations. 1) Commercial, 2) Commercially affiliated (no table), 3) Non-commercial. Martin suggests an affidavit to be signed by presenter followed up by an evaluation item that identifies audience perception. There should be a mailing to confirm the status Don't miss the money for the table. Don't harm the paying vendors Throughout this process, we are trying to eliminate gray areas. Elections Options: 1) Elect in April (lame duck) 2) Elect in October 3) Hold elections in April as scheduled, offices assumed "-elect" until October. Need by-law change in October. **Alan moves that we hold the election in April with officers and board members to assume non voting "member elect" status and assume the "office" at the general business meeting in October. Laura Peterson seconded Passed 10/09** Still at issue: 4 officers to elect, Two 2-year at-large members, One 1-year at-large member. Gail will establish an elections committee - give her suggestions (see attached report of last election committee Membership Drive Laura's role Suggestions: 1) Member signs up 5 others gets next year for free 2) Prize in timeframe, Cuebucks. 3) Review old members - contact. 4) Contact education grads. Offer one-time discount. Membership forms distributed at colleges. Membership FEE Just right?, too low? Raise it and offset with new benefits? Offer a beat the increase incentive to renew. 4) Lifetime membership - put into endowment account ETAC award dinner. We pay dinner cost for award recipient but other family members must pay. Meeting Schedule for Board in 1990-1991 Friday is day of least conflict with busy schedules Schedule one each month and skip if appropriate Normal time 4-6 PM. Consider trading off Minuteman Tech location and Worcester hotel (should be free there, too because of conference) Date / Location 09-14-90 / Minuteman Tech., Lexington (thanks Earle) 10-12-90 / TBA 11-16-90 / TBA 12-14-90 / TBA 01-21-91 / TBA All day mtg. MLKing Day-02-08-91 / TBA Probable skip 03-08-91 / TBA 04-05-91 / TBA 05-03-91 / TBA 06-07-91 / TBA Schedule July mtg. in spring. Suggest we work to schedule leadership dinner in Barre and invite people to stay over night. Meeting adjourned 3:26 P.M.