(Agenda set up informally at the outset
Board Members Present: Gail Ross-McBride, Earle Hancock, Martin Huntley, Alan November, Peg Bondorew, Laurene Belisle, Linda Colvin, Algot Runeman, Chuck Drayton, John Marion
Meeting called to order 10:38 AM
Make reference to treasurer's report - Treasury - $2883.15 - $500 back from deposit at Worcester - $2820. expenses - Add supplies , fees, advert(promo), rental, insurance - Request SIG spending details from Chuck 3/4 of $25.00 per meeting is postage - Savings is same + interest - Accounts receivable mostly due from Apple - Lexington still owes us too. - There are some unrecorded spring conference checks.
Retreat - At last meeting. we moved date a week later to avoid AppleFest. Date OK with hotel Barre. $1000 deposit Small houses across common (expect people to have difficulty getting to it for cash problems. (17-18th) Going for central site more than intrinsic merits of site. Bud Brooks is site person. Martin needs help for theme - Need theme info to Lelia for Feb.1 - Need schedule for getting people to choose days. Alan will assist with program "FIAT" expectations. Program for 2nd day group involvement, focus on Martin's paper. Contact Diana Nunnally for list of last year. Thurs. Industry partner person for future plannning ideally Shorshonna Zuboff (female) futurist schools/tech fit with technology. Restruturing theme subset of futures? Bob Hardy Masconomet School committee, Bob Perlman Restructuring national expert. Bring in outside person for money. Corporate support. Other model school-business partnering (Alan) (Martin) Let restructuring stay in SIG. Concrete white paper output Direction of MassCUE with Martin's starting paper. Too MassCUE oriented? (2 Martin) How do we get support from all sources statement about technology resources in whole state. Martin sees more attraction of second theme. Chuck feels that good feeling of participants is the first goal. Topic is secondary. (Linda) industry theme is more involved and touchy than it seems on surface. Maybe board needs to take on that role. We haven't really wrestled with MassCUE goals since Thompson Island. - (Martin) How do we reach local communities includes whole issue of public relations rather than just bus/school partnering. (Gail) Make piece of time be MassCUE focused with broader goal to attract more people. (Chuck) Community/education rather than just Business/school Services to community beyond just childhood education. (Linda) Sturbridge Harvey Pressman retreat was good. (Martin) Need focus if we want to produce a real product. (Alan) get happy people first and produce product second. Let them leave with skills or Get feeling of part of team effort. (Earle) exciting work did not happen until the end. Start with a sense of accomplishment. (Alan) Natural to use leadership beginning (Martin) People feel good if they feel they have made a contribution (Chuck) speaker makes us feel really good. (Alan) Harvey Long would come back (IBM). (Martin)-Need to make it clear what our theme is. (Alan) We are inventing the future whether we know it or not "Educators inventing the Future" Dollars, curriculum, training. (Earle) Don't jump to future without defining ourselves-MassCUE. (Chuck) Focus is that educators make the difference . (Linda) avoid doing the same activities over and over. Brainstorming future of schools - always seems like we are doing the same wheel spinning with arguments (Alan-Martin) 1/2 to 2/3 repeaters. (Alan) agrees that we should not repeat ourselves. Alan blown away by questions at conference he recently attended. Fascinated by Mark Tucker's and Chris Deede's thinking about school change all the time. "Tokenism of female presence on board" 4 out of 12. (Gail) Send out preliminary work to all participants. Stick together as group. (Martin) Strong sense of unity. (Alan) call Harvey and Shoshonna In the Age of a Smart Machine book. Harvard business school. (Laurene) focus on the organization's direction. Retreaters will feel real input "ownership" of organization. Follow-up of Leadership (Martin) avoid theme of MassCUE. (Algot) Set up a [separate] MassCUE component. (John Marion) give people something they can use at their own school. Provide model to these people. (Alan) sees that retreat is cliquish - Retreat must make it clear that it is for "every" member. Flavor of flier must emphasize "everybody" nature. (Gail) call Ann King first politically to arrange for Harvey.
Statehouse - Mary Pavento (Lucille and Joanne will help at beginning but cannot work it [event] directly) Alan has two Boston school contacts for Mary. No date set yet. Nick Paleologos: contact [him] this week for the contact person [at the Statehouse]. Leominster assistant Martin wants to get some board level person involved.
AppleFest - Any info? Alan will call Andy - Moved to New Jersey
Apponequit [spring conference] - Going well but need more workshops 6 -7 on Friday The cafeteria too small for all of us at once. Can rent tables $5.00 $3.50 for lunch tables. Get everyone in in one shift. Dimensions of Cafeteria are 960ftx60ft. Gym is where vendors will be. 2 lunch shifts? Eat in corridors(Chuck)? Two colors for lunch tickets. Vendor area vs. Lunch rotation. Need adults to shuttle lunch attendance. Alan estimates 300 in 60x60 space. Attend lunch, eat and leave to vendors. Vendor giveaways in vendor areas. Laurene needs Alan's grid. Gail reminds us to check cost of table cloths. Martin notes commitment to site and we may need to commit to renting tables. Lunch served "between X and Y" but leave space between two unofficial seatings with kids. There is wide open hall where we can get coffee area - no food in gym. Laurene going Feb 2. Dinner - between board mtgs. $16.18 and $17.34 We charge $23.00 Board decision not needed. Half price for presenters? $12 OK by board. New elections celebrated. Recognize industry person, educator, and politician. Neil Colvin suggested by Alan. Recognize only outsiders not MassCUE people to convey people on a statewide way. (John Marion) Jack Garrison of DEC. Frank Driscoll superintendent - Recognize Beth Lowd. Chair of ETAC. Could even do roast flavor. Invite Lexington people. Invite Superintendent of Lexington. Don't publicize roast. Gail will call Beth to confirm she can attend April 6. Alan and Gail will invite roasting guests using letter over Martin's signature. Registration - avoid papers. Everything should be in the conference procedings [booklet]. Theme for fall conference "Inventing the Future" anything else go out on table for pick-up. Electricity is OK. LInda will contact about it. Linda feels we need to know how much equipment they will bring to ensure no electrical problems. SIG space in procedings? 1/2 page in booklet. 3rd week of Feb of SIG information deadline. Space allocation. 7h/4.5v inch. Camera ready. Do we want the same cancellation insurance? (Peg) "yes" Anybody fundraising? Linda call, please. Talk to Gail and Alan. Linda now beginning to feel pressure in the job. Martin's colleague Jean Dean will contact Linda and Gail to see about splitting up responsibilities of vendor and fundraising. Martin will talk to Jean. (Alan) anytime you call anyone, ask for $1000! (Alan) plot out a list of contributions we expect to need. Send our big corporate sponsors, then split to ask second tier like Hammetts and Orchard, etc. then to third level, etc. Things will be easier to run when we have only one conference to plan a year. (Martin) feels we need assistance in vendor/fundraising effort. Day structure needed for Worcester. We must decide by Feb. meeting, if not today. Put ideas on Applelink (on next agenda). Half-Day sessions or Full day sessions only on Friday. Sat AM workshops requested so far on the SIG survey sheet. Shooting for end of March. When we left Worcester there were several unanswered questions. 12:30 - Lunch order: called in for pepperoni, mushroom and sausage, and a plain pizza. Continue with meeting while we wait for pizza to arrive. (Alan) keynote speaker, Leslie Ryder, was offended about the number of announcements ahead of his talk. Alan wants to reduce number of announcements. (Martin) Do announcements after keynote. (Earle) control and "transition" all announcements. (Alan) one person should give all announcements. (Martin) let all print media announcements speak for themselves. Run a couple of large screen electronic bulletin boards, if possible. Schedule vendor giveaways at vendor breaks. Post winners on a bulletin board. (Earle) Vendors get advertizing. (Alan) Let vendors run their own raffles. (Martin) Raffle to get people to go to Westfield and to keep people to stay through afternoon. Must be present and given at end of the day. (Earle) May help our clique grow. (Alan) May help our clique click. Middle of day break is difficult to have. Already tight schedule. Vendor break 2:30-3:00 good time for raffle. (Peg) money prizes with checks from vendors please. onCUE in mail March 16 (Earle hopes) March 9 to printer for onCUE February 23 deadline for submissions to John Marsula. (Laurene) we must really demand deadlines. We must do so for our own organizational recognition. All but one item came in electronically. All new ads (not ones from previous issues). Fresh stuff! $965.00 income Peg should send copy of ad only when she sends a bill, (invoice). Otherwise, Lelia will send ad copy to advertiser (if money paid ahead) We will give center spread to AppleFest if they get us their stuff for Feb. 23. The current issue is a little light! Please write. Do we need to clarify Lelia's role? Make sure you give Lelia her parameters for your role. Let her take the initiative if you feel comfortable, but not so that she takes on the role properly filled by volunteer MassCUE members. (Earle) When will conference flier be ready? onCUE2 SIG conference booklet info to Lelia by Feb 20, Chuck. MCET - (Gail) Inabeth Miller now the head of MCET. Mission is to put together a statewide network. Maybe not the same as our idea of a network. We need to get involved on the board. Somebody from MassCUE needs to get re-introduced to MCET since Inabeth may be more receptive to our input. Inabeth has stated that she is open to input. MAEM should also be involved in Gail's opinion. They appear to be focusing on Video with little data. (John M.) John LeBaron now appointed to ETAC. (Alan) John L. has missed too much MassCUE background. (general agreement) we should be involved in the development. Earle will willingly be on board. Gail will approach Inabeth. Gail will ask Juliet Avots.
Lunch break 1:16
Software policy statement: We have no separate policy statement but we endorse the ISTE policy statement. We officially approve the ISTE policy. 10/0
(Algot write to Allen Kleinert).
Leadership - Alan - Gloria Frasier "Restructuring" Aug. 13-17 ISTE also wants to run a session, too, as does Minnesota and others so that we may want to try to run it regionally. Gary Farrow (of DEC [Digital Equipment Corporation]) wants to be involved. We have sent an ad to national magazines. Indiana and Texas interested. $695.00 cost [for each] participant. Our cost is expected to be significantly lower. Everything we do should make a profit not just break even. Alan will write to last year's presenter to thank her and tell her we are moving in other directions. Martin reminds that we have allocated $1000. as needed for national advertising. Alan is not sure we need to spend much of it. onCUE has all the nitty gritty details. Flier needed in next calendar. Institute costs may well be covered by scholarships. Alan working with Lotus and maybe DEC and perhaps. Break even with expected scholarships is 21 people. $4000. to Gloria + $500 for travel. Beyond that is profit. 30 max for number ) (Earle) scholarships for MassCUE board? (Martin) a couple of scholarships (full if warranted) partial otherwise. An up-front limit needs to be set. (Linda) board members only? (Martin) work of board members deserves recognition. (Peg) too soon for motion. (Chuck) can be built into financial planning. (Gail) seek donation. (Gail) moves three scholarships, not necessarily full scholarships, (Martin) need to decide soon if we want a wider application process for scholarships so we can send it out in flier to solicit. Alan reiterates team concept for success. (Linda) felt Walpole schools and Maynard had half of openings and that it sort of locked out MassCUE participation. Team learned a lot, but non-team people felt odd-man out. (Alan) Every educator can be MassCUE member. (LInda) Everybody needs clear concept of what the goals are. Focus made clearer whether team or individual. (Alan) - leadership, restructuring, technology long-range planning skill building if team- work together part of each day to build team sense. Submit action plan in advance- Gloria is terrific networker to link people with national resources. People will walk away with a real action plan. Individual would also have an action plan, need not have team affiliation. Too early for a decision (Tabled) 10/0
ETAC (John) - Frank Driscoll resigned. Sue Friel leaving for North Carolina. "How to list" to actuate educational goals. 3.3 mill initiative request If no money budgeted, then it's only nice in theory.- Martin) DEC proposal to fund state grants in ch.188 - will report next month to ETAC Certification - put off decisions for year - Beth has heard that the delay has been accepted. Want member feedback from conference MCET - issue under consideration.
Only two nominations received for open board positions Chuck Drayton Everett "Mack" McCassey Martin feels Chuck Hitchcock ready to relinquish his board role of Special Events coordinator. (Gail) Jane Manzelli good candidate for job. Has always helped at conference and statehouse day, very low key person. Job still needs definition - overseer of those who actually run the separate events. (Laurene) Claudia Soares also good organizer. (Gail) Reese Crispen good candidate for appointment. (Martin) will informally raise the issue of appointment. Lesley College conference May 4-5. Avoid statehouse day conflict.
Fall Conference (Martin) how can we structure discussion (Laurene) - Saturday as is. Contract for dining room. We need to know what we want to schedule. (Martin) - full slate Friday Friday focus for administrators (not incl. Fri eve. workshops at neighborhood schools) Hard for us to predict Friday's attendance. Friday people fend for themselves. Conference provided lunch only on Saturday (Laurene) conference pre-registerd lunch (Martin) Scheduled lunch will put all Friday people in one place - co-opting their participation (seed our ideas into their thinking) in MassCUE future. (Laurene) length of sessions impacts lunch decisions. three hours. 1 full day (Martin) many things seem to argue for keeping people in the hotel. Schedule lunch in fee. (Peg) make program hold people and let them get their own plan for lunch. (Linda) At best, offer optional speaker lunch. (Gail) Penn CUE has 3 keynotes at lunch. (Martin) 1) scheduled lunch w/keynote 2) optional lunch (Earle) Motion to have a lunch scheduled w/speaker on both Friday and Saturday, cost included in registration, as is current. (Chuck second) (Alan found out AppleFest is going to be in New Jersey this spring) Friday must be a program that will draw an administrative crowd. (Gail) need mix of presentations for teachers and administrators. There are teachers who will go only on a Friday. (Alan) Session for elementary parents. (Laurene) Marcy Reed Sat. schedule. Lucille Harper Friday night. (a moment of near revolution occurred when Alan thought Friday might be a bomb!) Lunch $10 for buffet Figure cost of two days Moved to include Friday lunch in the conference cost. Passed 9/1.
Offer three registration options: 1) Fri only 2) Sat only 3) Full Confence
Meeting adjourned 2:55 PM