Massachusetts Computer Using Educators, Inc.
Historical Information
[Note: Like any other history/archive document, there will be new information located from time to time. If you have any information you feel should be included in the MassCUE shared archives, please contact: Algot Runeman, MassCUE historian.]
President: Len Huber (sort of...there really weren't officers elected until 1984 at the Needham conference)
First meeting:
First Conference: Early March, hosted by Alan Lipp at the Easthampton Middle (JH?) School
Special Events:
The whole organization was effectively a SIG.
General Comments:
Popular School Computers: Apple IIe, Radio Shack TRS-80
Cutting Edge Tech: IBM Computer: 5 MHz Intel 8088 processor, 40K of read-only memory, 16 to 256K user memory, 11.5-inch monochrome display. $1,565 (in 1982)
The 5 megabyte hard drive cost about $2500. Apple introduced the the drive in 1981 for $3500.